Unity Test Runner
Unity test runner!
As the game grows in size it takes longer to verify that new changes did not break any existing behaviour. Where at some point you stop testing and might even outsource it to a QA person. As a consequence issues will be found later in the development process. Now I will not go into details why this is bad, but you can introduce automated tests to cover basic functionality that gets tested over and over and get your feedback within a minute after a code change.
Test types
There are two types of tests:
- Editmode - editor only, can be used for testing editor related tasks like building lightmaps, assetbundles and verifying assets integrity
- Playmode - all platforms, everything that you want to be executed during playmode
Both of them look almost identical. Editmode tests should be placed under Editor folder, otherwise you will not be able to build your project. Tests will be playmode or editmode depending on whether they are in Editor folder or not. Test methods should be marked with [Test] for single frame tests and [UnityTest] for tests over period of time where you can use yield to wait or skip a frame.
Project setup
In the examples I am using a scene with nothing but a default unity cube in it.
Editmode test example
Verifies that a GameObject called “cube” exists in the scene.
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Monobehaviour tests
If you would like to execute your test from a MonoBehaviour, you can do that! On a MonoBehaviour you have to define when the test ends implementing interface called IMonoBehaviourTest. When executed a gameobject will be created and your MonoBehaviourTest is attached to it. To get a reference to the object you have to do a GameObject.Find() which in the future should be accessible from a variable.
Example test using MonoBehaviour:
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1 | public class FramerateTestable : MonoBehaviour, IMonoBehaviourTest |
Scene based tests
If scenes are necessary use EditorSceneManager for editmode and SceneManager for playmode tests. Both loading modes are supported.
Example playmode test using scene:
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Sometimes you want to do extra work before the test run. In that case you can use IPrebuildSetup interface. As an example test, building assetbundles before a test which loads them.
Excluding platforms
In case your test is not supposed to run on all platforms use a UnityPlatform attribute. Usage goes like this:
1 | [ ] {RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor })] |